** New NHS WALES APP Is LIVE! (replaces My Health Online) **
We are pleased to announce that you can now register for the new NHS Wales App to order repeat prescriptions and book GP appointments (previously offered via My Health Online which will be discontinued)
To access the App you must:
- be aged 16 or over
- have a fully verified NHS login, or a valid photo ID to prove your identity
The NHS Wales App is now available to download NOW on your phone or tablet from both Apple and Google Play Stores.
No access to a mobile device? You can still use the NHS Wales App from any PC or Laptop at the following web address:

New Patient Registration - NEW STUDENT IN CARDIFF?
We're welcoming new students to Cardiff this year.
Please click on the links below to submit an online registration to become a patient at our surgery.
In English: https://www.campusdoctor.co.uk/cardiff/reg.html?practice=cathays
In Welsh: https://www.campusdoctor.co.uk/cardiff/regw.html?practice=cathays

Cluster Working
Cathays surgery is actively involved in the South East Cardiff Cluster. Please see below plan for 2024/2025
Cardiff South East Cluster Plan 2024-25.pdf
Need an NHS Dentist? Do you live in Cardiff or The Vale of Glamorgan? - Update: 14/04/2022
You can join the Cardiff and Vale Dental Central Waiting List by completing the the form linked here: CAV Dental Central Waiting List
You only need to submit this once, there is a wait so please be patient and a Dental Practice will contact you when they have an available appointment. This contact will not provide Emergency Dental Care.
We are now running a contraceptive implant clinic! If you would like to book in, please call us on 02920 353020. For more information about the implant, visit https://www.sexwise.org.uk/contraception/contraceptive-implant, NEXPLANON® Official Site, or give us a call and ask to book an appointment with the nurse to discuss contraception options.
We have an inter-practice agreement with The City Surgery and Albany Road Surgery; if you are a patient registered to City or Albany and would like to self-refer to the implant clinic here at Cathays Surgery, please complete the following form and send it to us: Self-referral Form
If you find out you are pregnant, you should let the maternity team know when you are approx. 6-8 weeks pregnant (2-4 weeks after your missed period). You can do this by completing the online form which can be found within this link: Booking your pregnancy with Cardiff and Vales UHB Maternity
University Support Services