NHS Wales NHS app
Appointments are available to book via the NHS Wales App
We are pleased to announce that you can now register for the new NHS Wales App to order repeat prescriptions and book GP appointments (previously offered via My Health Online which will be discontinued)
To access the App you must:
- be aged 16 or over
- have a fully verified NHS login, or a valid photo ID to prove your identity
The NHS Wales App is now available to download NOW on your phone or tablet from both Apple and Google Play Stores.
No access to a mobile device? You can still use the NHS Wales App from any PC or Laptop at the following web address:

GP Appointments
Our reception team are trained to ask for details of your medical problem to ensure an appointment is made with the appropriate clinician.
Please contact reception to arrange an appointment on 02920 353020.
Monday to Friday
Morning surgery: 8 am - 11 am // Afternoon surgery: 2 pm - 4.30 pm
Nurse Appointments
Monday to Wednesday
Morning surgery: 8 am - 12 noon // Afternoon surgery: 1 pm - 5 pm
Morning surgery: 8 am - 12 noon // Baby Clinic: 1 pm - 3 pm
Morning surgery: 8 am - 12 noon
Our doors are now open and we are seeing most patients face-to-face.
Unless told otherwise, your appointment will be face-to-face. If your appointment is a telephone appointment, we will give you a estimate timeframe of when to expect a call.
Please attend your appointment alone, if possible, and we ask that only one adult attends with a child.
You must wear a mask inside the surgery unless exempt.
Our receptionists will ask you for information to help direct you to the most appropriate healthcare professional. Please help them to help you, by providing information of what you would like to discuss in your appointment. This does not have to be detailed but will allow them to understand which clinician you should see. They will treat this information with upmost confidence.
Booking appointments:
Pre-bookable, routine appointments can be made the GP of your choice a few weeks ahead of time.
There are a number of GP appointments each day set aside for urgent, on the day problems. Please remember you may not be able to see your usual doctor. Appointments are limited so please only use this service if your problem is truly urgent. If you feel your problem is medically urgent that day, please call before 10.30am to request an urgent appointment for that morning, the receptionists will ask you information which allows the GPs to prioritise the most unwell people and to ensure you get the most appropriate care. You must be available for the GP to review you face to face at the surgery that morning.
Out of listed surgery hours, the Emergency Duty Doctor will be advised of medically urgent requests by the reception team. The Duty Doctor is usually extremely busy so please only use this service if your problem is genuinely medically urgent and cannot wait until the next surgery.
Home visits should be requested by 11am. Requests for house calls will be assessed by the clinical team. Home visits are only for house bound patients.
Other helpful information
Please do not attend the surgery unless you have been asked to. If you have been asked to attend the surgery for an appointment, please remember to wear a mask while inside the practice.
Interpreter Services are available during appointments Cathays Surgery. They do not physically work at the practice so we will arrange the 'language line' service to take place during your appointment. If you require this service please inform reception when making your booking so that the service can be arranged for your appointment with the Doctor/Nurse. We will need to book a longer appointment for you, so it is important we are given notice that you require this service.
We cannot provide a translation/interpreter service when speaking to our reception team, so if you have difficulties speaking or understanding English, you may need to ask someone that can speak English to contact us on your behalf. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you.
If you are a non-English speaker, please visit https://www.cathayssurgery.co.uk/page1.aspx?p=4&t=2 for information.
Patients can be accompanied to their appointment by a carer, advocate and/or assistant.
All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present when an intimate examination or procedure will take place. In appropriate circumstances the chaperone may be a family member, a friend, or you may prefer a member of staff to be present. If you would like a chaperone please ask.
Lateness: Given the demands on doctors' and nurses' time, we cannot guarantee you will be seen if you arrive beyond the appointed time. If you are more than 10 minutes late for a face-to-face appointment, you may be asked to re-book your appointment. This is to ensure we provide the best service possible and so that all patients get a fair opportunity to discuss their problems.
Help and advice for sending images to the surgery
Sometimes we may ask patients to send in photos to help the doctor's assessment. Please see the PDF below for help and advice if you have been asked to take pictures to sent to the surgery via email.
Patient Guide on Taking Photos with a Smartphone or Tablet
ONLY SEND PHOTOGRAPHS TO US IF YOU HAVE BEEN ASKED TO BY A MEMBER OF STAFF. Any images we are not expecting to receive will be deleted.
Could you be seen by your local pharmacy?
Do you need to see the doctor today? You can now get FREE NHS ADVICE and FREE TREATMENT for a range of common ailments from our local community pharmacists without having to make an appointment with a GP. The introduction of this service will increase the NHS appointments available to our patients.
Local pharmacies providing this service are listed:
- Woodville Pharmacy (Woodville Road) are now offering the Choose Pharmacy service Monday – Friday.
- Crwys Pharmacy (Crwys Road) are now offering the Choose Pharmacy service Monday – Saturday.
For more information see the leaflet linked: https://111.wales.nhs.uk/pdfs/31912_Minor%20Ailments%20Services_Leaflet_English_FINAL%20WEB%2021.17.pdf